Sunday, March 15, 2009

I made my own laundry soap

I'm so excited, it smells soooooo good and it only cost me $8 to make enough for 312 full loads. I can't believe how easy it was and you can make it smell however you want. Everything was purchased from WalMart and took me about 30 mins to make it.

1 cup washing soda (I used Arm & Hammer, can also use A&H Baking soda)
1/2 cup borax (I used 20 Mule Team)
1 bar soap (I used 2 because I like a strong scent and the smell outcome smells like the soap you use) for the first batch I used Dial-White Tea.
Approximately 3 gallons water
5 gallon bucket with lid
Cheese grater

First thing, put about four cups of water into the pan and put it on the stove on high until it’s at boiling, then lower the heat until it’s simmering.

While it’s heating up, take a bar of soap and grate it up into little bits.

When the water is boiling, start throwing in the soap a little at a time. Stir it until it’s dissolved. The water will have a soupy soap look with suds and will be the color of the bar of soap you used, so color will vary.

Next, get out your bucket and add three gallons of warm tap water to it.

To this bucket add a cup of the washing soda, 1/2 cup of borax, and the soap solution you made and stir until its all suddy. This will look like a bucket of soapy water.

At this point, let the soap sit for 24 hours, with a lid on it.

When you take off the lid, you’ll find any number of things, depending on the type of soap you used and the water you used. It might be firm, like Jello; it might be very watery; it might even be like liquid laundry detergent. Just stir it up a bit and it’s ready to be used. Don’t worry about the texture - it’s completely fine. Just use a measuring cup and use one cup of the detergent per load of laundry. If it’s got “globs” in it, get a mix of the water and of the globs - it’ll break up very quickly in the washing machine and wash your clothes well.

This recipe is for 1 batch. The 312 loads comes because you still have the borax, and washing soda left to make the rest of the batches. Also I bought the soap that comes in the bundled 12 pack, so I have those left over also. All the ingredients should make 6 batches. Each batch makes enough for 52 full loads at 1 cup a load.

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Best money saving tips

First and foremost, if I can't pay cash for it, I don't need it that badly.

Secondly, I always save a minimum of 10% a paycheck. Even if at times it is a struggle, you never know when there will be an emergency.

Perform routine maintenance/repairs on major appliances, car etc. The little money you spend now can save you hundreds or thousands later.

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