At almost any age, with almost any background you can begin a life in a career where you can do one of the most important jobs in America. And more importantly, teacher jobs are available and there's money and help to get you the education and training to become one.
WE NEED TEACHERS IN AMERICA. Estimates show that over 1 million teachers will be needed over the next decade. Aging baby boomers are retiring in droves and leaving a lot of teaching jobs to fill. Being a teacher is probably one of the last jobs you can count on with a secure pension. There are very few companies that can offer that today. Ask the retirees from General Motors.
Watch this video from MSNBC. It shows what school districts have to resort to fill their positions. Things like 4-day work weeks for Arizona teachers, $14,000 housing allowance to teach in New York, and subsidized rental housing right on school property. Some districts will pay a finders fee for anyone who can bring in a teacher. North Carolina is offering discounts on apartments and gym memberships, and North Dakota is giving teachers hunting rights on private land. Teachers in South Carolina are getting up to $20,000 in signing bonus. Watch the video at:
Look at this. California says it will need at least 100,000 new teachers over the next 10 years:
And the U.S. Department of Labor says, 'Job opportunities for teachers over the next 10 years will vary from good to excellent, depending on the locality, grade level, and subject taught. Most job openings will result from the need to replace the large number of teachers who are expected to retire over the 2004 - 2014 period.' Take a look at:
What Is Being A Teacher All About?
You can get a great background report about what teaching is all about by reading the description from the Occupational Outlook Handbook that is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Teacher Shortage A National Problem, Watch MSNBC News Story:
Getting A Teaching Certificate
Thought about teaching, but don't have a teaching certificate? The Transition to Teaching program supports the recruitment and retention of highly qualified mid-career professionals, including qualified paraprofessionals, and recent college graduates who have not majored in education to teach in high-need schools and districts through the development of new or enhanced alternative routes to certification. The Transition to Teaching grant program is administered by the Office of Innovation and Improvement. Transition to Teaching encourages the development and expansion of alternative routes to certification under state approved programs that enable individuals to be eligible for teacher certification within a reduced period of time, relying on the experience, expertise, and academic qualifications of an individual or other factors in lieu of traditional course work in the field of education. Once placed the teachers are asked to stay three years. These programs are carried out on a national, regional, state, and local level. To find a program near you contact your nearest Board of Education, State Board of Education (which can be found at ), or you can contact the Office of Innovation and Improvement to see if programs have been awarded approval in your area. Contact U.S. Department of Education, OII, Teacher Quality Programs, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Room 4W302, FB-6, Washington, DC 20202-5960; 202-260-0223;
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: All
Application: varies
Want To Teach Now?
If you want to teach, but don't have your teaching certificate is there another way to go? The National Center for Alternative Certification is a one-stop comprehensive clearinghouse for information on just this topic! They can tell you where programs are located, what you need to have to qualify, what your state's requirements are, and more. To learn more contact National Center for Alternative Certification, 1901 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20006; 202-822-8280;
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: All
Application: varies
Get The Money To Do Something Of Real Value
Some people knew they would be teachers from the time they entered kindergarten. Some are mid-career shifters, who are looking for a change. Others are military people who need to find a career that doesn't involve heavy artillery.
Programs exist to help you with loan forgiveness, scholarships for your education, and even information and programs for those who want to take an alternate path to getting certified to teach. There is something for everybody. In addition to all of these, don't forget to check with your state Department for Higher Education to see if they have developed any new teacher training programs or services. These offices can be found at
Now go out there and lead our future! And look you'll see most of these money programs have NO INCOME REQUIREMENTS.
Programs to Help You Be A Teacher
It is a big world out there and these programs below represent just a fraction of what is available. If you do not find what you need here you can certainly discover many more programs yourself. It may take some work to do something important with your life, so here are some starting places for finding more money programs that can help you live your dreams and contribute to America.
- your state department of education at
- your U.S. and State Congressman, Senator and other elected officials
- The Foundation Center at
- Guidestar at
- National Education Association at
Up to $5,000 to Become a Teacher
The Tomorrow's Teachers Scholarship is for those interested in teaching in
Age: 21 and older
Income: $60,000 for family of 4
State: Ohio
Troops to Teachers
DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) assists eligible members of the armed forces to obtain certification or licensing as elementary school teachers, secondary school teachers, or vocational or technical teachers and to become highly qualified teachers. The program also helps these individuals find employment in high-need local education agencies (LEAs) or charter schools. Stipends of up to $5,000 are given to eligible members of the armed forces so that they can obtain certification or licensing as elementary school teachers, secondary school teachers, or vocational/technical teachers. In lieu of the $5,000 stipends, DANTES may pay $10,000 bonuses to participants who agree to teach in high-poverty schools. A "high-poverty school" is defined as a school where at least 50 percent of the students are from low-income families or the school has a large percentage of students who qualify for assistance under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. For more information contact DANTES-TTT, 6490 Saufley Field Rd, Pensacola, FL 32509; 850-452-1111; 800-231-6242;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: All
Troop Spouses to Teachers
Spouses to Teachers is a Department of Defense pilot project designed to assist spouses of active duty and reserve military members to become public school teachers. Spouses to Teachers (STT) is represented in 15 states. The program provides support to spouses of active duty military and Selected Reserves in their pursuit of K-12 teaching positions. Limited funding will be provided to eligible spouses to reimburse the cost of examinations required for state teacher licensure/certification. Maximum available financial assistance is $600 per person. For more information contact DANTES-TTT, 6490 Saufley Field Rd, Pensacola, FL 32509; 850-452-1111; 800-231-6242;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Virginia
Teach in NYC
New York has more museums, concerts, sports teams, and culture than any other city in America. It is also a great place to teach! If you are interested in teaching in the city then contact Teach NYC. They offer an incredible wealth of opportunities for those ready to enter the classroom today or for those looking to advance their education degrees, but are lacking the funds to make this dream a reality. Teach NYC offers scholarships for those interested in obtaining their Bachelor's or Master's in certain areas, and these require a service commitment. Helps those in need of state certification by offering scholarships with a service commitment. There is also a Teaching Fellows program for those people interested in teaching but are lacking the certification. This allows for an alternative certification process. For more information contact Teach NYC, The Office for Recruitment, 65 Court Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 800-TEACH-NYC (832-2469);
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: All, but you must teach in New York City.
$15,000 To Move To New York City
The Housing Support Program for Mathematics, Science, and Special Education Teachers offers $15,000 for teachers willing to teach in New York City who specialize in those critical teaching shortage areas. There is a three year service commitment. For more information contact New York City Department of Education, Division of Human Resources , Office of Recruitment and Selection Operations, Recruitment Scholarship and Incentive Programs, 65 Court Street, Room 301, Brooklyn, NY 11201;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: All; but you must teach in New York City
$10,000 & Free Teaching Certificate In DC?
The District of Columbia is making it easy for you. If you have your teaching certificate, they have loan deferments and cancellation benefits, housing assistance for those that want to be homeowners (up to $10,000!), and more. If you don't have your certificate, you can get it for free at Howard University with a service commitment to teach in DC. If you have your Bachelor's degree and no teaching certificate, you can get a provisional license or you can join the DC Teaching Fellows program which allows for an alternative certification. For more information contact District of Columbia Public Schools, 825 North Capitol Street, NE - 6th Floor, OHR, Washington, DC 20002; 202-442-5411 or 202-442-5384;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: All, but you must teach in District of Columbia.
Receive $5000 To Help Pay Off Student Loans While Making A Difference
If you are a teacher and have student loans you simply cannot afford, this program is for you. The Federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program offers individuals who teach full-time for five consecutive complete academic years, in certain elementary and secondary schools serving low-income families, forgiveness of up to a combined total of $5,000 in principal and interest of their Direct Loan and/or Federal Family Education Loan Programs (FFELP) loans. Actually in some cases the amount can go up to $17,500! For more information contact Federal Student Aid Information Center; 800-4FED-AID;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: All
$9,900 Loan Forgiveness Award!!!!
Teachers, are you having a difficult time paying back your student loans? If so the state of Pennsylvania is here to help. The Quality Early Education Loan Forgiveness program offers monthly student loan debt assistance to graduates working in Pennsylvania, in the field of Early Childhood Education. If you are eligible, the program will forgive up to one-sixth of your qualifying loan debt annually, not to exceed the maximum of $3,300 per year for three years or the program's $9,900 maximum benefit. For more information about this awesome opportunity, please contact the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, PA State Grants and Special Programs, 1200 N 7th St, Harrisburg, PA 17102-1444; 800-233-0557;
Age: 21 and older
Income: Income cannot exceed $30,000 from employment
State: Pennsylvania
$19,000 To Become A Teacher in MD
The MD Workforce Shortage program provides scholarship assistance to those seeking a degree in a workforce shortage area. The scholarship award will cover a maximum of $19,000. You must work one year for each year of assistance. For more information contact Maryland Higher Education Commission, 839 Bestgate Rd., Suit 400, Annapolis, MD 21401; 410-260-4500; 800-974-0203;
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: Maryland
$6,000 Of Student Loan Forgiveness!!
New Hampshire is facing a shortage of teachers and in an effort to recruit, NHHEAF Network organization is offering a competitive program designed to provide financial assistance to individuals who make a commitment to teach in New Hampshire's public or private schools. Teachers for New HampshireSM provides financial assistance in the form of a variable-interest rate, forgivable loan, covering up to 50 percent of the direct costs (tuition and fees) and the cost of books for the program, not to exceed a cumulative maximum of $6,000. Individuals who meet the application criteria are eligible to apply on an annual basis. Repayment of this loan will be forgiven for individuals who are employed as full-time teachers for three years following completion of their teacher preparation program. To learn more contact New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation, P.O. Box 2111, Concord, NH 03301; 800-330-0787;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: New Hampshire Application:
Extra Money!! $10,000 To Repay Undergraduate Loans
Due to a critical Teacher shortage in Florida, the Florida Department of Education is offering Teachers forgiveness of their student loans. If you are a Florida teacher and you are certified in a critical teacher shortage subject area, contact The Office of Student Financial Assistance,1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 70, Tallahassee, FL 32303-4759; 888-827-2004;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: Florida
Residents $4,000 Per Year Loan Forgiveness
The William Winter Teacher program is specifically designed to increase the supply of teacher educators for public schools in Mississippi. Awards are made on an annual basis with priority given to renewal students. Program participation is limited to 4 years or $8,000. To learn more contact the Mississippi Student Financial Aid Office, 3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211-6453; 800-327-2980;; Email:
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: Mississippi
$5,000 Forgivable Loan $$$$$$
This program offers 2-3 forgivable loans annually to assist and encourage promising engineering graduate students to pursue careers in teaching at the college level. Upon completion of the doctoral degree, one year's loan will be forgiven for each year the recipient teaches. This program is renewable for up to three years. This offer is open to all citizens of North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico). The applicant must hold an undergraduate degree from an engineering program at an accredited school. To learn more, contact SAE Washington Office, 1828 L Street NW, Suite 905, Washington, DC 20036; 202-463-7318;; Email:
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: All
$5,000 For Minority Teachers!!!
Receive up to $5,000 annually if you are an African-American, Asian-American, Native American, or Hispanic college junior or senior working toward teacher certification. Participants must teach 3 or 5 years in Arkansas to have the amount received forgiven. For more information, contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 114 East Capitol Ave, Attn: Minority Teachers Scholarship, Little Rock, AR 72201; 501-371-2050, 800-54-STUDY;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: Arkansas
New Mexico Graduates Receive $25,000
The New Mexico Commission on Higher Education has created a loan-for-service program designed to increase the number of ethnic minorities and women available to teach in an academic discipline in which ethnic minorities and women are demonstrably underrepresented in New Mexico public colleges and universities. If eligible the maximum award is $25,000 per year. To learn more, contact the New Mexico Commission on Higher Education, 1068 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505; 505-476-6500;
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: New Mexico
$2,500 A Year To Become A North Carolina Teacher
The Prospective Teacher Scholarship Loan program provides $2,500 per academic year for individuals on their way to teacher licensure or to licensure in special services areas, including school psychology, school counseling, speech/language pathology, audiology, and library/media services. The loans are provided for a maximum of four years or the minimum number of years required earning licensure based on the entry-level degree. Recipients are obligated to teach one year in a North Carolina school for each year of assistance they receive. For more information, contact the College Foundation of North Carolina, P.O. Box 41966, Raleigh, NC 27629-1966; 1-866-866-CFNC;, Email:
Age: 18 and older
Income: None
State: North Carolina
100% Student Loan Forgiveness!!
If you are a teacher and have served full-time in a public or non-profit elementary or secondary school system as a teacher in a school serving students from low-income families; or special-education teacher, including teachers of infants, toddlers, children, or youth with disabilities; or teacher in the fields of mathematics, science, foreign languages, or bilingual education, or in any other field of expertise determined by a state education agency to have a shortage of qualified teachers in that state, you may qualify for cancellation (discharge) of up to 100 percent of a Federal Perkins Loan. It's not necessary for you to be certified or licensed to receive cancellation benefits. However, your employing school must consider you to be a full-time professional for the purposes of salary, tenure, retirement benefits, etc. To learn more about this wonderful opportunity, contact The Office of Federal Student Aid, Federal Perkins Loan Teacher Cancellation Program, Union Center Plaza, 8 31st Street, Washington D.C. 20202; 800-433-3243;
Age: 21 and older
Income: None
State: All
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