Monday, December 10, 2007

Legal Help At 75% Discount

The only things a paralegal can’t do that a lawyer can, is give legal advice and represent you in court. That means they can file uncontested divorce papers, family court petitions, wills and probate, power of attorney, bankruptcy, and more. Contact National Federal of Paralegal Associations, 2517 Eastlake Ave., E, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98102; 206-652-4120;; There are no income requirements.

Free Lawyers For Seniors
The Senior Legal Hotlines are supported by non-profit organizations that offer legal advice over the telephone. Most offer this advice and guidance for free to those 60 and over. Income requirements vary from place to place. To see if there is a hotline located near you and the services they provide contact Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116;

Free Help Collecting Child Support
The Association for Children for Enforcement and Support works to improve child support enforcement. They have information and services, and will even contact officials on your behalf. Contact ACES, 3474 Raymont Blvd., 2nd Floor, University Heights, OH 44118; 800-738-2237; There are no income requirements.

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