If you are unhappy with what you see on your monthly credit card bill, or your bank won't give you a car loan because you are divorced even though you have a good credit and a good job. Or the annual percentage rate on your mortgage unexpectedly rises though your mortgage contract says that it should remain the same. Then you have a legitimate complaint and can contact one of the following to get satisfaction. Each of the organizations below regulate a separate institutions. If you contact the wrong office any of them can direct you to where you need to be.
For National Banks Contact: Comptroller of the Currency, Compliance Management, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 250 W St., SE, Washington, DC 20219; 202-874-5000; www.occ.treas.gov
For Savings & Loans contact: Office of Thrift Supervision, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1700 G St., NW, Washington, DC 20552; 202-906-6000; www.ots.treas.gov
For State Regulated Banks contact: Contact your state capitol operator in your state by calling 1-800-555-1212 and ask for your state’s Banking Authority or go to www.govengine.com and search for Banking Authority under your state.
For FDIC-Insured Institutions contact:: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of Consumer Affairs, 550 17th St., NW, Room F-130, Washington, DC 20429; 800-759-6596; 877-275-3342; www.fdic.gov
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